Compaction drum urethane scraper blades help in reducing downtime and in the improvement of output which are two critical factors considered in any construction equipment manufacturing process. You can count us as the very best of compaction drum scraper blades that enhance performance and decrease downtime. Compaction drum urethane scraper blades are among the numerous urethane products we have been manufacturing over the past 30 years and we are among the dependable producers in the industry.

You can count on us with our years of experience to produce polyurethane compaction drum urethane scraper blades of any profile that will meet your requirements. Our polyurethane scraper blades have been tried and proven to be of world-class quality. To ensure consistency in quality, we only utilize high-profile materials from world-renowned producers. Also, we boast an in-house machine shop that is fully equipped with state of the art machinery like our special water jet cutting facilities and an engineering team that is up there among the best in the industry in manufacturing compaction drum urethane scraper blades.
Our ability to process the core of urethane compaction drum urethane scraper blades by greasing and media blasting in our clean room before being bonded by a light coat adhesive to the bar makes it possible for us to cast the urethane onto the core which gives a urethane to metal bond. No other engineering department in the industry can better transform your idea, CAD file, sketch or drawing into masterclass compaction drum urethane scraper blades than our highly talented engineers. Plan Tech routinely utilizies Opencast molding:
Molding Urethane Parts Open cast
Open cast molding is the simplest and most common molding method for thermoset polyurethanes.
Advantages: Since pressures and temperatures in the molding process are relatively low (ambient pressure and temps below 250F), the molds are more cost-effective and can be made from a variety of materials including polyurethane. Open cast molding urethane parts is good for parts with relatively open tolerances on one surface. If tolerances are tighter, a secondary finishing operation is an option
Please Contact us for further details regarding compaction drum urethane scraper blades!