Corrugated Urethane Impact Pads are used in material handling applications commonly found on conveyor belt systems to slow the product movement while absorbing the impact from the product falling off the end of the conveyor belt. Corrugated urethane impact pads can be supplied in almost any size or thickness and will have the corrugated profile to match the product you’re moving. Common profiles are diamond pattern forcing the product to bounce around the diamond pattern in the urethane to slow the product down while reducing noise and prevent damage to equipment and discharge areas.

Some corrugated urethane impact pads process beans while heavy duty applications will process rocks and coal. We can also reverse engineer your existing corrugated urethane impact pads to match OEM specs frequently for less than OEM replacements! On average urethane will outperform rubber 3 to 1 making urethane an ideal choice. Often times we can include additives that will increase abrasion resistance and add lubricity to keep products from sticking. An Anti-static additive is also common to reduce any static build up from sliding fraction.
Whether you are a start-up company or global leader, we can add value to your products with our strong engineering support, material selection expertise and constant focus on meeting all delivery requirements. Our rapid prototyping capabilities have also received particularly positive feedback. We frequently go from “Print to Part” in 10-15 business days. This capability allows our customers to rapidly develop new products and meet the ever-increasing requirements for speed in the marketplace. Plan Tech processes polyurethane in a wide range of chemistries including dedicated TDI and MDI production cells. The engineering staff has the experience and knowledge to select or tailor a urethane chemistry to your requirements. Everything we manufacture is MADE IN THE USA.
Please Contact us for further details regarding custom cast corrugated urethane impact pads!