Flexible urethane rods are the best material for abrasion resistance; they are excellent in repeated impact situations and are available in many hardnesses / durometers. Flexible rubber rods are one of the many premium quality urethane parts we cast in our fully equipped in-house machine shop using our state of the art machinery.
Our team of engineers who are technically experienced utilize speed and precision for the manufacture of our flexible rods which enable us to meet high volume demand in short turn around without compromising quality. Our flexible rubber rods like all our other urethane parts are renowned for their outstanding performance capability. Their ability to resist wear, abrasion, corrosion, and chemicals as well as withstand harsh environmental conditions is very remarkable and as such gives them longer service life. To cast our flexible rubber rods, our technicians go through a high level of molding process which allows us to meet the requirements of any application.

Therefore, no matter the durometer or profile of flexible polyurethane rods you seek, we are more than capable of meeting your demand. So, you can be assured of finding whatever profile of urethane rods you seek from our wide range of flexible poly rods. Plan Tech also has an outstanding team of dedicated employees with exceptional talents designing and manufacturing complex tight tolerance urethane parts. We also are very proud of the “company we keep.” Our customers include many Fortune 500 companies, most of whom have been customers for 20+ years. Their drive to become industry leaders has helped us do the same.
Whether you are a start-up company or global leader, we can add value to your products with our strong engineering support, urethane polymer experience and constant focus on meeting all delivery requirements. Our rapid prototyping capabilities have also received particularly positive feedback – we frequently go from “Print to Part” in 10-15 business days! Everything we manufacture is MADE IN THE USA!
Are you interested in Flexible Urethane Rods? Please Contact us so we can help solve your requirements and work with you on your specific application!