Urethane load bearings are produced at Plan Tech using high-quality material from world leading chemical manufacturers. Plan Tech has a variety of ways to produce urethane load bearings depending on the application required and profile of the urethane coating. In a lot of applications Plan Tech will media blast the OD of the load bearing and apply bonding agent directly to the bearing. During production Plan Tech will pour the urethane material directly onto each bearing for a urethane to bond strength greater than the urethane material. Other ways Plan Tech can produce urethane load bearings is by over-molding each bearing and machining a profile into each wheel. For lower-cost urethane load bearings, Plan Tech can also grind and machine cut a tube to produce a tire and press each tire onto the cam follower for low-stress applications. Any hardness or color urethane load bearings are available at Plan Tech with rapid turn around. Often times we can produce coated urethane load bearings in less than a couple of weeks. Custom tooling can be produced at Plan Tech for high volume production of urethane coated load bearings. Plan Tech can also reproduce OEM load bearings from a sample […]
Urethane Roller Belts – Polyurethane Belts
Urethane roller belts are produced in a variety of ways at Plan Tech which allows us to mold custom urethane roller belts in high volume. Plan Tech custom cast hundreds of thousands of urethane roller belts each year for all kinds of applications. Our most popular application are replaceable urethane roller belts for a paper manufacturer. Our high-performance urethane material outlasts the original rubber belts 3:1 and is rated for just about any environment. Urethane is chemical resistant and Plan Tech has special formulas for FDA applications and high abuse applications. Most urethane roller belts consist of a simple OD ID configuration and are easily machined at Plan Tech with the use of custom build grinding and indexing equipment. Often times Plan Tech will over-mold a tube and fully machine each polyurethane drive band to ensure perfect fitment every time. Special profiles may also be molded or machined. Plan Tech blends all of our polyurethane material in our mixing department allowing us to modify our material to suit any special application. Plan Tech can also reverse engineer existing OEM urethane roller belts for a replacement that meets and often times excesses the physical properties of the original equipment. […]
Urethane Conveyor Skirting – Polyurethane Skirting
Urethane conveyor skirting and bumpers are custom cast at Plan Tech with rapid turn around. Often times we are approached with a unique challenge and with our molding experience and services like water jet cutting we can produce urethane conveyor skirting with no startup or tooling cost. Frequently OEM conveyor skirting is not available in special shapes or sizes. Conveyor skirting is sometimes referred as a conveyor bumpers and consists of a metal backing with a urethane coating bonded directly to the metal plate and then bend or water jet cut into the desired shape and size. Plan Tech will bond each metal plate of any thickness before a urethane sheet is poured on top of the metal Plate with a tight tolerance of +/-.030 thickness. With the use of our Flow WaterJet we can rapidly produce large numbers of urethane conveyor skirting profiles cut +/-.005 into just about any shape or size needed for unique applications. Plan Tech can also reverse engineer existing skirting or bumpers often times for less than OEM replacements. Hot cast urethane is Plan Tech specialty in any hardness or color with physical properties higher than injected urethane and will outperform rubber 3:1. Urethane […]

Industries That Use Polyurethane Parts
Industries That Use Polyurethane Parts I don’t know about you, but I’m sure there are no materials out there better than polyurethane parts. So why shouldn’t every industry be making use of them? Not only can the parts of polyurethane be used in the manufacture of different products, but polyurethane is extremely capable of resisting abrasion, oil & chemicals, as well as an impressive display of resilience, etc. Clearly, polyurethane parts and components are high up the table in comparison to other materials in terms of coping with difficult conditions. Little wonder a vast majority of industries make use of this material. Just a few of the industries benefiting from the high performance of polyurethane parts: Automotive Industry Are you aware your car wouldn’t be that comfortable if it weren’t for polyurethane parts? The parts of this material are utilized extensively in the production of your car. Polyurethane parts are applied in the production of the foam that makes your car seat comfortable to sit on. The parts are also used in producing the interior headliner of your car’s roof section, urethane bumpers, urethane seals etc. So it is safe to say that, without urethane parts, […]
Urethane Crane Wheels – Polyurethane Crane Wheels
Urethane crane wheels are custom cast from our toughest material available for the most demanding heavyweight applications. Large urethane crane wheels will consist of a reinforced steel core or rim. Plan Tech can fabricate new steel cores or recondition any previously coated worn out wheels. We will start by stripping off any previous material at our machine shop to expose fresh metal for our high strength bonding process. Each core will be de-greased in our state of the art clean room for bonding urethane directly to metal. Ensuring a bond strength greater than the tear strength of our urethane is a standard practice for us. Plan Tech can custom cast almost any size urethane crane wheel rated for the most demanding applications. Our urethane will hold up to extreme conditions including underwater applications and is chemical resistant to most chemicals and oils. Plan Tech stocks a full line of hard durometer materials ready to take on any size crane wheel with a rapid turnaround time. Frequently Plan tech can recondition previously coated urethane crane wheels in a rapid turn around time. We also offer a full line of secondary operations to profile each wheel to match OEM track […]
Polyurethane Vibration Isolators – Urethane Isolators
Polyurethane vibration isolators are cast in many shapes and sizes for vibration control in large machinery to small computer control boards. From mats to custom molded polyurethane parts our high-quality material will absorb most of the vibration and shock even in industrial machinery in any environment. One of our largest end markets for polyurethane vibration isolators has taken off in the last decade with the increasing about of robots for many different applications. One of the biggest problems with control boards is if they are not isolated from shock or vibration they are known for being damaged. Plan Tech has been fabricating our own molds in our in-house machine shop for the last 30 years and is ready to make new tooling for any profile or size custom polyurethane vibration isolators. Special additives are available to enhance the physical properties of how the urethane will perform. Our most common additive for polyurethane vibration isolators is Armoglide as it will increase the lubricity of the material as it wears and increase cut resistance. FDA applications with metal detectable additives are also available in any hardness. Custom colors and inspection reports are also no problem while manufacturing polyurethane vibration isolators! […]
Bandsaw Polyurethane Drive Wheels – Bandsaw Wheels
Bandsaw polyurethane drive wheels for large machinery is a Plan Tech specialty. Cast from a firm yet forgiving 95A material our polyurethane will outlast rubber and OEM bandsaw drive wheels with no question. Plan Tech can strip off any previously coated drive wheel and reconditioned bandsaw pulleys with a rapid turnaround often times for less than OEM pulley wheels. Specialty cable cutting bandsaw polyurethane drive wheels can also be reproduced with the use of cutting form tools for any size profile saw cable. Custom cast from high-quality prepolymer and curatives our polyurethane products are top notch. Plan Tech will inspect each of the bandsaw polyurethane drive wheels to ensure they meet not only all of your requirements but ours as well. We can also custom fabricate the steel pulleys or drive wheels to reproduce damaged or worn out existing pulleys, as well as design new bandsaw polyurethane drive wheels for large manufacturers around the world. Plan Tech also stocks a full line of additives to enhance the physical properties of our urethane for special applications such as FDA food processing bandsaw polyurethane drive wheels and metal detectable urethane for existing X-Ray equipment. Unlike rubber our polyurethane is chemical resistance […]
Urethane Coated Ball Bearings – Polyurethane Bearings
Urethane coated ball bearings have been a specialty product manufactured by Plan Tech for 30+ years. Available in any hardness with 95A being the most common go-to choice for maximum service life and vibration control. Plan Tech has built several custom high-speed trim machines capable of cutting 95A urethane coated ball bearings wheels in high volume. We manufactured millions of urethane coated ball bearings of all different profiles! Plan Tech also molds custom profiles to match any track requirements in high volume. After we receive the bearings from world-class manufacturers bearing manufacturers we will stack all the bearings on drill rod and media blast the OD of each bearing on custom made rotisseries before applying a bonding agent direct to each bearing. We are capable of casting urethane coated ball bearings of just about any size or configuration. Soft durometers urethane ball bearings are over-molded before being ground on special in-house built grinding equipment at our machine shop. Plan Tech can hold a tight tolerance of +/-.005’’ on all surfaces for most urethane coated ball bearings. Most urethane coated ball bearings have little to no start-up cost as Plan Tech has been adding to what we call our family mold […]
Urethane Dock Bumpers – Polyurethane Dock Bumpers
Urethane dock bumpers are custom cast from high-quality urethane rated for any environment -dock bumpers are exposed to extreme cold/hot environments. Our special formula of urethane will not absorb water and is rated for saltwater applications. Most common urethane dock bumpers are cast from a 60A material that is about the same hardness of a car tire. Our most popular bumper is in the shape of a ball with a thru hole for a chain or rope attachment and bolts on bumpers with a molded insert that will not pull out no matter how hard a boat hits the bumper. Plan Techs high-quality urethane is also nonmarking so there won’t be any worry of the bumper marking the side of a boat or watercraft. Custom urethane dock bumpers are available in all shapes and sizes as Plan Tech is a custom urethane manufacturer with an in-house machine shop ready to design and make any size bumper mold for production. Plan Tech provides thousands of dock bumpers each year for large dock manufacture assembly factories in a variety of sizes and colors. Custom inserts are bonded and molded into each of the urethane dock bumpers for bolt-on applications. Frequently […]
Urethane Conical Plugs – Polyurethane Conical Plugs
Urethane conical plugs are custom cast with rapid prototypes available in any hardness. Most common urethane conical plugs will have a taper for a press fit that may include a molded insert for bolt-on applications. Urethane conical plugs may also be used as a bump stop for indexing gears during assembly or used with special encoding equipment for high-speed gearing. Plan Tech utilizes high-quality material from world leading chemical companies to provide conical plugs of a higher level of physical properties vs OEM solutions. Plan Tech is also not limited to any size urethane conical plugs and will create tooling to your exact specifications and tolerances. We also have a variety of additives to enhance physical properties of our urethane. Urethane conical plugs are available in any hardness or color with additives like PolyMag that is used in FDA X-ray applications to detect if there is a failure. Plan Tech can reverse engineer any existing conical plug to match OEM specs oftentimes with little or no start-up cost. Most commonly Plan Tech will machine one master pattern where we will make hundreds of urethane molds resulting in a low-cost conical plug with a rapid turnaround on repeat orders. […]
Custom Polyurethane Feed Rollers – Best Feed Rollers
Custom polyurethane feed rollers are cast in high volume as Plan Tech with rapid tool design and prototyping available. Each of the custom polyurethane feed rollers that we cast is to our customer’s specifications for unique applications or a lower cost OEM catalog feed roller reproduction. Plan Tech also offers recoating services that include stripping of the old worn out urethane coating before entering our metal prep clean room. We also have an in-house machine shop ready to fabricate cores for custom polyurethane feed rollers of almost any size that can include a keyway or setscrew. Custom polyurethane feed rollers seem to be most popular in labeling of merchandise during production or assembly. Our high-quality polyurethane formula is available in FDA applications as well as high abrasion feed rollers. Often times we hear how catalog feed rollers have a long turnaround with lower service life as an additional price due to being an OEM product. Plan Tech is able to provide inspection reports on request and hold tighter tolerance vs OEM feed rollers. Plan Tech also only buys high-quality material from world leading chemical companies. Specialty additives for custom polyurethane feed rollers are available to enhance physical properties […]
Conical Polyurethane Plugs – Urethane Plugs
Conical polyurethane plugs are open cast in high volume with rapid tooling startup. Plan Tech’s state of the art machine shop is capable of making what we like to call master patterns for conical polyurethane plugs. After we machine one master pattern we can cast hundreds of urethane molds to produce thousands of conical polyurethane plugs each year of all different sizes and hardnesses. Plan Tech has been specializing in custom urethane applications for 30+ years with conical polyurethane plugs being one of our biggest demands. Currently, we cast several different sizes including some for bolt-on applications with a molded bolt or mounting plate. Some of the more basic polyurethane plugs are just different colors for an assembly manufacturer as they use the different colored conical polyurethane plugs to mark different size gears. That company relays that each plug will be within tolerance to ensure the correct gear selection during assembly. Plan Tech also has a variety of additives for our polyurethane to enhance different physical properties. Our most common additive will add lubricity to the urethane material as it wears. This will keep the polyurethane coating clean and will resist sticking to the material. Custom cores can […]
Urethane Band Saw Idler Wheels – Band Saw Wheels
Urethane band saw idler wheels consist of a urethane band that is molded directly to the bandsaw pulley which ensures great drive strength in large machinery. Unlike small bandsaws that do not have idler wheels, Plan Tech produces idler or drive wheels for large bandsaws. Plan Tech can recondition used worn out idler wheels as well as fabricate new urethane band saw idler wheels in high volume for manufacturing facilities. When we receive a sample wheel or an existing part we will reverse engineer OEM parts to match the new coating too. Plan Tech buys high-quality urethane material from world leaders to ensure our material is better than OEM physical properties with the ability to tailor our urethane material for any special applications or environment. Plan Tech recently stripped brand new idler wheels for a customer in a very cold environment where rubber idler wheels were failing due to the extreme cold. Plan Tech’s special blend of urethane is rated for conditions down to -40F with great results. Plan Tech can turn almost any size urethane band saw idler wheels to match the blade profile or any needed special requirement may be added. Frequently Plan Tech can supply […]
Precision Urethane Covered Rollers – Precision Rollers
Precision urethane covered rollers are produced at Plan Tech using high-quality prepolymer and curative from world leaders to produce parts of high physical properties vs OEM and aftermarket rollers. Plan Tech for over 30 years has been dedicated to the producing and fabrication of precision urethane covered rollers in all departments of our manufacturing facility. From a simple sketch or an existing part Plan Tech will engineer, mold and the required machine shop work get to provide a quote with a rapid turnaround on finished parts. We have over 100 years of combined urethane machining experience to grind and turn just about any profile into urethane rollers with tight tolerances of +/-.005. Our custom built grinding equipment ensures each roller will be concentric. Fabrication of steel cores is no problem for us as well. Existing rollers may be stripped and reconditioned for a new coating of urethane before being precision ground. Each steel core will be degreased before media blast and a chemical bonding adhesive is applied to the core. This allows Plan Tech to cast the urethane directly to the metal core to ensure a bond strength greater than the tear strength of the material. Most precision […]
Stock Urethane Drive Rollers – Stock Rollers
Stock urethane drive rollers are custom fabricated to any special requirements with rapid turn around. Cast from high-quality urethane material drive rollers may have a steel or aluminum core added for additional strength or for bolt-on applications. Plan Tech has an in-house machine shop capable of fabricating cores for drive wheels with any special hub or keyway necessary for the application. Our team of engineers will work with you on every detail to sure each and every stock urethane drive rollers are exactly what is needed. A variety of additives may be added to enhance the physical properties of our urethane to make the material more lubricity or to add anti-static capabilities. The urethane industry has seen a large increase recently with urethane drive wheels in the robotics industry. Plan Tech offers tight tolerance stock urethane drive rollers for any application including the automation industry. FDA urethane formulas are also available in a limited amount of colors. Stock urethane drive rollers can be modified for any special application at our machine shop. Plan Tech also has grinding capabilities for soft hardness drive rollers offering a tight tolerance of +/-.005. Worn out stock urethane drive rollers may be stripped […]
Refurbished Urethane Rollers – Polyurethane Rollers
Refurbished urethane rollers are reconditioned at Plan Tech with high-quality urethane material from world leading polyurethane manufacturers. Custom casting allows Plan Tech to have refurbished urethane rollers almost any size with rapid lead times. Worn out rollers will be inspected before being processed at our in-house machine shop. Any previously covered urethane will be stripped on a lathe before a coat of bonding adhesive is applied directly to each roller core. Plan Tech has a state of the art clean room filled with positive air pressure to ensure no contaminants pollute our bonding process. Each core will be de-greased and media blasted. During production each size of refurbished urethane rollers are tested different, Long rollers are cast in a laydown mold with end caps that will center the covered urethane roller in the mold for production while smaller rollers will be cast in what we like to call our family mold system. Each batch of urethane material is mixed in our batch department per custom application, this allows Plan Tech to be able to offer a variety of different additives to tailor our urethane material for any special applications requiring special physical properties of the urethanes performance. Our most […]

Urethane Advantages vs Metal and Plastic
Urethane Advantages vs Metal and Plastic The advantages of urethane far outweigh those of metals and plastics. It isn’t a questionable fact that metal parts wear out three times faster than urethane materials. Check the list for some of the advantages urethane holds over metal and plastic below: Urethane vs Metals and Plastics Better wear As far as resisting abrasion and corrosion are concerned, no other elastomer material perform better than polyurethanes. This is one aspect where their performance is more efficient than plastics and most metals. Cost Efficiency The production of metal parts can be very expensive, and the reason is that, unlike urethanes that can be casted easily, the casting of metal parts cannot be done without the process of welding and the use of machines. Less noise This is one advantage urethanes hold over metals that require no debate. While metals are generally renowned for their remarkable ability to produce noise, polyurethanes, on the other hand, absorb noise thereby preventing it. Higher load bearing Not even plastics and metals can resist significant impact like urethanes. Where urethanes can offer an outstanding load-bearing performance, most plastics and metals will succumb to the […]
High-Performance Urethane Sheets – Polyurethane Sheets
High-performance urethane sheets are designed for high abuse wear items in applications requiring a high endurance material for some of the most demanding applications. Urethane is a great choice when searching for a high-performance material at low cost with rapid turn around. Often times we cast high-performance urethane sheets for manufacturing facilities that will cut our polyurethane material into thousands of parts for a low-cost alternative vs buying OEM replacement parts. Cast from world leading polyurethane manufacturers Plan Tech has the ability to cast high-performance urethane sheets almost any size or thickness with what we like to call our hot molding strip table. Our production table was custom made with one thing in mind, open casting high-performance urethane sheets. The table consists of a frame with a sliding fence to set the desired width and length of urethane sheet. This gives Plan Tech the ability to rapidly produce thousands of polyurethane sheets each year for the most demanding applications. Tight tolerance or large volumes of high-performance urethane sheets can also be open cast and manufactured at Plan Tech. Each batch of high-performance urethane material may be tailored to suit for the application. Plan Tech also has a variety […]
Urethane Molded Impact Bars – Polyurethane Impact Bars
Urethane molded impact bars are designed for high abuse items in applications like die cutting and paper printing. Cast from high-performance polyurethane material Plan Tech has the ability to mold urethane impact bars to almost any size or thickness with what we like to call our hot molding strip table. Our production table was custom made with one thing in mind, urethane molded impact bars. The table consists of a frame with a sliding fence to set the desired width and length of impact bars. This gives Plan Tech the ability to rapidly produce thousands of urethane molded impact bars each year for the most demanding applications. Tight tolerance or high volume urethane molded impact bars can also be open cast in a mold designed and built at Plan Tech. Each batch of urethane molded impact bars may be tailored to suit for the application, high or low rebound bars are no problem for us. Plan Tech also has a variety of additives that we can modify the physical properties of each molded impact bar. Urethane is a great choice of material for impact bars and has great ability to absorb an impact and return to its original shape […]
Polyurethane Square Bar Stock – Urethane Bar Stock
Polyurethane square bar stock is rapidly produced at Plan Tech on our custom polyurethane manufacturing casting tables designed to produce any thickness or size bar. Our table has a movable fence to accommodate any width or length required for the polyurethane square bar stock. Metric or oddball sizes are no problems for us! Custom cast from high-performance material our polyurethane square bar stocks will outperform rubber bars 3:1 with a much tighter tolerance. Unlike OEM polyurethane square bar stock Plan Tech can modify any profile or design into the bar for bolt-on applications or unique challenges. Tight tolerance polyurethane square bars are molded in tooling designed by at Plan Tech. Polyurethane square bar stock can be rapidly produced for a number of different applications from die cutting to bumpers for large industrial equipment. Often times we find that shipping companies utilize our polyurethane square bar stock to protect delicate electrical equipment in transit. Whatever the application may be Plan Tech may make a recommendation on how to tailor our urethane for maximum performance and service life. A variety of additives may be added to enhance physical properties per the polyurethane square bar stock application. FDA formulas are also […]