Slotted Urethane Rollers manufactured by Plan Tech reaches a technical level where other rollers cannot. They help to ensure that the polyurethane resin has been thoroughly and evenly distributed within a lamination, further improving your fiber to resin ratio and improving the strength properties. Our slotted urethane rollers when used, helps to:
- Saturate fabric, pushing resin into reinforcement and dry areas that might result in weakness for finished parts
- Helps to prevent brittleness in a finished part
- Eliminates air pockets trapped between layers of reinforcement or within the weave of fabric, which can also result in weakness.

Engineers and Technicians in the food processing Industry, steel industry, marine industry, packaging industry and lots more prefer the use of urethane in the manufacture of slotted Urethane rollers as a result of the strong properties of Urethane.
Plan Tech recommends the slotted urethane rollers because of its:
- Flexibility
- Tear resistance
- Performance in harsh environments
- Abrasion and impact resistance
- Economical manufacturing process
- Can be produced in different colors
- Resistance to water, oil and grease
- Cost effective
Plan Tech specializes in the manufacture of slotted urethane rollers and custom made urethane rollers. Our in-house engineers will help you determine the perfect specification or description of any tool you need. There are many advantages that polyurethane holds over metal and plastic below:
Less noise
This is one advantage urethanes hold over metals that require no debate. While metals are generally renowned for their remarkable ability to produce noise, polyurethanes, on the other hand, absorb noise thereby preventing it.
Higher load bearing
Not even plastics and metals can resist significant impact like urethanes. Where urethanes can offer an outstanding load-bearing performance, most plastics and metals will succumb to the shock and impact of higher loads and eventually break down.
Are you interested in Slotted Urethane Rollers? Please Contact us so we can help solve your requirements and work with you on your specific application!