Urethane covered bearings are found in many applications requiring repeated wear and impact. Urethane covered bearings are manufactured to your specifications and often times perform better than OEM replacements at a fraction of the cost. Plan Tech is one of the leading suppliers of custom cast urethane covered bearings for manufacturers. Some industries that use urethane covered bearings include shipping, loading docks, Go-Karts, Bumper Cars, Roller Coaster wheels and Flume Rides. We work with and utilize some of the world’s leading bearing suppliers.
Urethane Covered Bearings
At Plan Tech our urethane bearings capabilities range from .75”-12”. Urethane covered bearings are frequently supplied in a 95A duro with a variety of additives that can be incorporated to enhance wear properties, add lubricity, UV stabilized, flame retardant, or to reduce static build up. Plan Tech is unique in that we have the ability to reverse engineer existing urethane covered bearings to be able to produce replacement parts with a quick turn around. Urethane has many advantages over rubber and plastic some of which include:
Made In USA Urethane Covered Bearings
- Resilience (high or low)
- Excellent abrasion resistance
- Lightweight relative to metals
- Impact and shock resistance
- Compression modulus (high to low)
- Flex fatigue resistance
- Friction (high or low)
- Good electrical properties
- Oil, solvent, water, ozone resistance
- Mold, mildew, fungus resistance
- Chemical resistance
- Non- Marking
- Noticeable noise reduction vs. other similar materials
Tight Tolerance Urethane Covered Bearings
Whether you are a start-up company or global leader, we can add value to your products with our strong engineering support, material selection expertise and constant focus on meeting all delivery requirements. Our rapid prototyping capabilities have also received particularly positive feedback. We frequently go from “Print to Part” in 10-15 business days. This capability allows our customers to rapidly develop new products and meet the ever-increasing requirements for speed in the marketplace. Plan Tech processes polyurethane in a wide range of chemistries including dedicated TDI and MDI production cells. The engineering staff has the experience and knowledge to select or tailor a urethane chemistry to your requirements. Everything we manufacture is Made in the USA!

Manufacturing custom polyurethane covered bearings that effectively incorporate a metallic or non-metallic component requires a superior method for achieving a bond between the urethane and the substrate. Here at Plan Tech, we have developed preparation methods to consistently apply specially formulated urethane adhesives. Our proprietary equipment for cleaning, preparation, automated adhesive spray application and automated drying ensures a consistently high-strength bond between the urethane and the substrate.
Please Contact us for further details regarding custom cast urethane bearings!