Urethane fan screw shoes are found in bulk aggregate handling systems in extreme abrasion conditions. Bulk handling systems are typically constructed with a corkscrew roller that will process material forward or backward depending on the rotation of the urethane fan screw shoes. Some equipment will have multiple fan screws to move a larger amount of material. Our urethane material has a longer life than rubber or plastic and often times will exceed the life span of original parts.
Urethane fan screw shoes are also known to outwear even high alloy steel by 2 to 1! Urethane fan screw shoes also weigh about 7 times less than alloy steel which will have a extend the life on bearings and motors because of the reduced strain on the equipment. At Plan Tech we have the ability to reverse engineer existing urethane fan screw shoes to be able to produce replacement parts often times costing less the OEM equipment. Urethane material is also resistant to both rust and corrosion damage. Urethane material can be flexible with elastomeric memory which is able to flex and then return to it’s original shape without damage making it an ideal choice of material for urethane fan screw shoes.
Our engineering department can turn your idea, sketch, drawing or CAD file into custom urethane parts. We will reverse engineer to recreate any urethane part for production or one off urethane pieces. The engineering department uses SolidWorks and our machine shop uses CamWorks for 3 axis milling. Our equipment includes CNC mills, lathes, polyurethane grinders as well as a state of the art urethane waterjet cutting machine. Secondary equipment includes sheet metal, welding, grinding, automated cutoff, broaching and more. We offer complete manufacturing capability for the inserts or cores required for your parts and provide one stop shopping for all of your custom cast polyurethane products.

Please Contact us for further details regarding urethane fan screw shoes!