Custom cast urethane gun recoil bumpers are made from proven urethane prepolymer’s from world leading chemical companies. One specialty type of polyurethane is the Adiprene line which has been in service for over a decade. The polyurethane materials are a proven material on many repeating parts making reproducing existing urethane gun recoil bumpers easily available.
While the Adiprener line of urethane hasn’t changed its chemical makeup for decades today’s high-performance urethanes are a superior upgrade for outstanding rebound properties even in the most demanding applications. Plan Tech has adapted over 30 years of producing urethane gun recoil bumpers by adding waterjet cutting abilities in-house. With one of a kind mold making experience if the bumper cannot be cut from a urethane sheet Plan Tech will design a mold and often times pour hundreds of bumpers at once resulting in high volume producing with little start-up costs.

While urethane is only rated for a working temperature around 200F we have heard from our customers during rapid fire testing our high-performance urethane outlasted rubber and some of the most expensive silicones available. From prototype parts to high volume production Plan Tech can meet the needs of any volume urethane gun recoil bumpers for your application.
For over 30 years we have focused on using speed and precision to manufacture the highest quality industrial cast urethane parts such as urethane gun recoil bumpers to our customers. A particular strength is the breadth of our in-house capabilities which, when combined with our extensive experience, enables us to deliver tight tolerance urethane gun recoil bumpers while maintaining the quality control and cost effectiveness our customers require. The tests are performed according to an established set of standards provided by an accredited testing organization such as the Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) who define the procedures in detail.
Please Contact us for further details regarding urethane gun recoil bumpers!