Urethane sewer access covers are produced at Plan Tech to offer maximum satisfaction to our numerous customers. One of the first things you will notice with our sewer access covers is that they are carefully designed for easy installation and removal from the cleanout access points of your sewer.

Aside from being the best available on the market, the polyurethane formulation we make use of for the manufacture of our polyurethane sewer access covers are flexible ones that will not shatter like their PVC counterparts. Other outstanding physical properties of our urethane sewer access covers include their remarkable ability to resist wear, corrosion as well as chemicals. We can also enhance the property of our poly sewer access covers to make their corrosion-resistant cap to be highly efficient even in the worst weather condition of the winter season.
For over three decades we have never manufactured rubber sewer access covers or any other urethane product for that matter which falls below world standard. This is due largely to the exceptional technical expertise of our team of engineers who always apply speed and precision during the production of all our products which enable us to meet the qualitative and quantitative demands of our numerous customers in record timing. Plan Tech also has an outstanding team of dedicated employees with exceptional talents designing and manufacturing urethane molded parts. We also are very proud of the “company we keep.” Our customers include many Fortune 500 companies, most of whom have been customers for 20+ years. Their drive to become industry leaders has helped us do the same.
Whether you are a start-up company or global leader, we can add value to your products with our strong engineering support, urethane polymer experience and constant focus on meeting all delivery requirements. Our rapid prototyping capabilities have also received particularly positive feedback – we frequently go from “Print to Part” in 10-15 business days!
Are you interested in cast Urethane Sewer Access Covers? Please Contact us so we can help solve your requirements and work with you on your specific application!